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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fraction of retina neurons that are ganglion cells Wallaby Setonix brachyurus 63 % 103619 Harman AM, Moore S. Number...
Diameter of neuron soma in retinal ganglion cell Wallaby Setonix brachyurus 10.85 µm 103620 Harman AM, Moore S. Number...
Midget retinal ganglion cell soma Human Homo sapiens 14.8 µm 112284 Dacey, D.M. and Petersen...
Parasol retinal ganglion cell soma Human Homo sapiens 16.5 µm 112285 Dacey, D.M. and Petersen...
Diameter of soma of molluscan neuron Mollusc 20 - 100 µm 110854 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Number of subtypes of retinal neurons Vertebrates ~60 subtypes 117170 Bloomfield SA, Völgyi...
Retinal ganglion cell soma transverse width/diameter Human Homo sapiens 26 ([21,32]) µm 112294 Crooks, J. and Kolb, H....
Volume of neuron soma, nucleus & nucleolus Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus cell body 12,260µm^3: nucleus 1,660µm^3: nucleolus 25.6µm^3 µm^3 112112 Edstrom JE. Effects of...
Two possible depths of foveal pit Birds shallow 80-120 or deep 190-240 µm 117189 Bringmann A. Structure...
Average genomic recombination rates Mammals Table - link N/A 107023 Dumont BL, Payseur BA....
Average male chiasma counts per genome per meiosis Mammals Table - link N/A 107024 Dumont BL, Payseur BA....
Gross composition of mammalian milk Mammals Table - link N/A 105101 Olav T. Oftedal and Sara...
Percent of lactose in milk of non-domesticated mammals Mammals 0.02-14 Table - link % 105100 Olav T. Oftedal and Sara...
Shape of the foveal pit and maximal visual acuity (spatial resolving power) of various bird species Birds Table - link N/A 117191 Bringmann A. Structure...